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Frequently asked questions

about our financing offer

1. What kinds of projects do you fund?

We study and raise funds for the financing of markets and the pre-financing of business opportunities or infrastructures. Our financing offer is aimed at both private sector and public sector actors across Africa.

2. Is there a threshold amount that you grant?

We are more comfortable starting from a billion CFA Francs. We can, however, look at the opportunities that appear in dessa.

3. How does your financing offer differ from those on the market?

The bank financing possibilities most often encountered are offers issued by commercial banks, and they are generally all identical in terms of the guarantees required ...

On the other hand, the offer we are putting forward is formulated by our partner investment bank, and therefore has, by nature, more flexibility in the conditions for granting financing: the lowest and flexible rates, negotiable guarantees. , modalities extending much longer, etc. It is also distinguished by the size of the amounts granted.


4. What are the response times in general?

The deadlines for fundraising start from 30 to 90 days depending on:

- The complexity of the proposed financial package
- The type of project to be funded
- The amount requested
- The time taken for the constitution of the file by the applicant
- The time necessary to verify the authenticity of the elements of the file

5. Is the funding exclusively granted in Côte d'Ivoire?

No! We can raise funds for all African countries.

6. Is there a more popular sector of activity for granting funding?

No ! With us, everything is a question of opportunity. We evaluate and we decide whether or not to engage.

7. Is there a standard listing of documents to be produced for the constitution of the file?

Not especially. Depending on the project to be financed and the structural elements of the project, we draw up a non-exhaustive list of the elements to be made available.

8. Do I have to wait until I have all the necessary documents before turning to you?

The applicant can get closer to us with already the elements at his disposal. A file will be opened for his business and we will support him in the production of additional elements to be produced gradually.


9. Is there a charge for opening the file?

The handling and support in the constitution of files in search of funding is free, completely free. And it is strictly forbidden for all of our employees throughout our intervention network to demand any amount from funding applicants.

10. Is it possible to name a few people with whom you have already worked?

Some legal entities have authorized us to publish their identity on the page We could not do more, even less for employees Natural persons whom we have counted or that we have in our portfolio, because they are bound by a non-disclosure clause.

11. Does opening a file with a view to applying for funding guarantee the future granting of said funding?


No, having a financing file open with us is not a guarantee that the financing is gold and already a given. In other words, at any time, during the analysis phase of the said file, the decision of inadmissibility can intervene and put an end to the study of the file.


12. Does a file deemed inadmissible no longer have any outcome?

A file may be qualified as inadmissible in the current state of affairs, possibly due to the insufficiency of the elements made available or in the event of it being impossible to verify the authenticity of certain elements included in the file, or even because of the fragility of the scenario or business model proposed.

On the other hand, the file initially deemed inadmissible may just require a restructuring or a reorientation at the initiative of the applicant or on the proposal of our team of analysts and ultimately prove to be eligible.


13. Why don't you advertise to publicize all the financing offers you offer?


Not advertising is part of our "Sales Funnel". In other words, thanks to the network of recommendations from which we benefit, ineligible projects are discarded from the outset to make way for more timely and impactful projects.


14. In order to allow all African countries to benefit from your funding offer, would you be willing to have collaborators in other countries?

Yes, we are open to all collaborations that may allow SMEs and our states to benefit from funds for the financing of their projects, their markets or their infrastructures.

For any interest in joining our network of contributors or account managers, we invite you to send an email to

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